The latest from the institute’s fellows writing about Taiwan, South Korea, the Netherlands, the Norwegian Arctic and Russian emigres in Europe. Sign up for emails to follow their research.
Learn MoreA Taiwanese dramedy confronts national trauma
“Father Mother” explores gender, identity and reconciliation.
The corroded Silicon Valley of Europe
Escaping war, wealthy Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians flock to Cyprus’s gray economy
Forcing a ‘Russian law,’ Georgia’s government is complicating EU prospects
A year after major street protests forced the ruling party to back down over ‘foreign agents’ legislation, it’s bent on success this time, Tbilisi-based ICWA fellow Aron Ouzilevski says.
Earthquake response burnishes Taiwan’s international reputation
ICWA fellow Edric Huang witnessed the largest quake to hit the island in 25 years.
Advancing understanding of global cultures and affairs
The Institute of Current World Affairs has sent outstanding young professionals abroad to acquire deep understanding of international societies for over 99 years. They have become some of America's leading experts on global cultures and affairs.
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